You’ll find answers to common questions about our programs, and curriculum.

Classes are for ages 5 years and up.

We have hired teachers who are educated and qualified to teach our children. These teachers focus on making Al Manar School a successful learning environment for our students.

The school starts with two preparatory classes namely, Preschool and Prep 1 which are focused on teaching the Arabic Alphabet. After Prep1 the school offers two curriculum options.

  • Quranic Studies: Focus is on learning the Quran and reading with meaning supplemented with Islamic Studies.
  • Arabic Studies: Focus is on learning spoken Arabic supplemented with Islamic Studies.

You can view our detailed fee structure by visiting the tuition page here.

Our school year begins in September and ends in May.

School hours are from 10:00 AM to 1:30 PM.

To preserve the sanctity of Al-Manar School, all students are required to wear appropriate attire while at the Islamic center. Parents are asked to ensure that their children dress respectfully in accordance with the center’s etiquette. Girls in grades 1 to 7 should bring a scarf to wear during Quran lessons and Salah.